100 Great Ways to Use Slow Cookers and Hot Pots

By Simon and Alison Holst

Beef and Beer Casserole with Parsley Dumplings

It may come as no (some) surprise but I do often use a multifunction cooker.  The purchase was not planned and at the time I wondered whether I would use it. 

It is used at least once or twice a week.  Often the recipe is one I have used before on the stove/oven/microwave but adapted for use.

Yet, I did buy some specific cookbooks (thank you Lifeline) for this device.

As my cookbook collection continues to grow it seemed a good opportunity to test this one.

I like dumplings, as long as they are not too dry, too wet or too heavy.  I like beef casserole as long as the sauce is tasty and the preparation is not too involved.

As usual I did not follow the method as specified.  The onions, garlic and bacon were cooked in the multi-function cooker first and then the rest of the ingredients were added.  The meat used was topside or skirt steak.  The bacon was purchased from the local Farmers Market. 

Harper was kind enough to donate a can of German beer for the casserole.  (Would this be a matter for regret?)

After waiting the requisite time, I tasted the casserole.  It was not bad but the brown sugar was required.

Mixing the dumplings was the usual fun of sticky hands, some of the dough taking up residence on my apron, the bench top, but fortunately not in anyone’s hair.  Why the dumpling dough is more contrary than scone dough, I do not know nor comprehend. 

As can be seen from the pictures, the dumpling dough completely concealed the casserole below it.  After waiting the half hour required it was time to eat.

The dumplings were bland and felt heavy and a little dry, despite the sauce of the casserole.  which was not very tasty, too thick and not fun to eat. Harper regretted the beer sacrifice.  The meal was edible but it saddened me to use good ingredients to eat a meal I did not really enjoy.

In the spirit of fairness, I have attempted another meal from this cookbook which will be featured soon.  Everyone deserves a second chance, unless they are a corrupt politician, mass murderer, etc.  Hrmmmm.

Note: My other disappointment was the cook book did not suggest using either the slow cooker/crock pot as an attractive hat, or a vase for a large bunch of flowers etc.  (Yes, I am being silly, but it is my blog (as attempting to gain others input usually involves thumbscrews or hypnotism) and being silly is more fun than eating this casserole was.

I would also like to thank those who have subscribed to this blog (or bolg as I mistyped.) Apologies for the lag between updates.